Megaslim has been formulated with key ingredients to assist with burning fat. It does this using L-Carnitine with Magnesium which have properties that assist with weight loss and increase the rate at which cells burn fat.



Magnesium is a vital energy nutrient that your body uses to activate enzymes involved in the digestion, absorption, and utilisation of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Without energy nutrients, you may experience unnecessary food cravings, low blood sugar, anxiety, and an inability to lose weight. Magnesium also aids insulin in transporting glucose into cells for energy production. When there is insufficient Magnesium for that process, glucose and insulin levels rise, glucose is stored as fat, and the extra insulin puts you at risk for diabetes.


L-Carnitine assists in weight loss and increases the rate at which cells (mitochondria) burn fat. It also assists in making optimum energy available to every cell in the body, which may increase the body’s ability during exercise and prevent tissue damage as a result of increased oxygen supply. Combined with a low carbohydrate diet, it can aid weight loss.

It is a substance which occurs naturally in all foods of animal origin. It is a vitamin-like substance essential for fat metabolism and energy production.


Reaching and maintaining a healthy body weight not only boosts confidence and self-esteem which in turn has a positive influence on our personal and business careers, but the effect it has on long lasting overall health and quality of life can never be understated. That’s why more and more responsible people around the world are making positive lifestyle changes including eating healthier foods, exercising more and turning to professionals for guidance and advice. While healthy weight loss is only achieved by following a kilojoule restricted healthy diet and satisfactory exercise programme, there are products in nature’s grocery cupboard which can certainly aid and speed the process along considerably!


Reaching and maintaining a healthy body weight not only boosts confidence and self-esteem which in turn has a positive influence on our personal and business careers, but the effect it has on long lasting overall health and quality of life can never be understated. That’s why more and more responsible people around the world are making positive lifestyle changes including eating healthier foods, exercising more and turning to professionals for guidance and advice. While healthy weight loss is only achieved by following a kilojoule restricted healthy diet and satisfactory exercise programme, there are products in nature’s grocery cupboard which can certainly aid and speed the process along considerably!


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